
Pokemon extreme randomizer peeko
Pokemon extreme randomizer peeko

New ability and desc: Scrappy + Cursed Body = Hypocrisy (Can hit Ghost-type Pokemon with Normal and Fighting-type moves, but if the opponent uses a move that doesn't affect the holder of this ability, that move is disabled for 3 turns) This fusion lives entirely on a diet of cheeseburgers and beer. Sadly, it's pretty slow, which makes sweeping difficult. With base 100 ATK, Coil, and Hustle, it's capable of tearing holes into your opponents after just one boost with powerful moves like Gunk Shot, Outrage, and Head Smash. Role identification: Gen 7 has blessed Arbok with a higher attack stat, and that carries over to Arilous. Notable moves: Outrage, Coil, Gunk Shot, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Head Smash, Return, Superpower, Body Slam, Earthquake, Iron Tail, Poison Fang, Pursuit, Seed Bomb, Sucker Punch, Rock Slide, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Zen Headbutt. New ability and desc: Hustle + Intimidate = Rampage (Effects of both abilities combined) Also Stealth Rock + Whirlwind for trolling. If you don't want that, then you can set up Calm Minds and get HP back with Giga Drain and Roost before blowing your enemies back with Stored Power.

pokemon extreme randomizer peeko

Pretty decent bulk, too, and it has the perfect speed to wear a Choice Scarf with. Atk make Necromega a force to be reckoned with. Role identification: A nifty ability and massive Sp. Notable moves: Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Giga Drain, Ancient Power, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Roost, Stealth Rock, Whirlwind, U-Turn, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Power Gem, Stored Power, Psyshock. New ability and desc: Prism Armor + Tinted Lens = Kaleidoscope (Halves damage taken from the opponent's super-effective attacks and doubles damage dealt by your resisted attacks) Offspring name: Necromega (Neh-craw-meh-gah) I really like what I did with this, so let's bring it back. Pain Split is its only form of recovery, though, so it's gonna be hard to stay around for too long if your opponent has a way to dent its defenses, such as a Skill Swapper or a powerful Special attacker that doesn't use Fire. You can use Bezong's speed in one of two ways: as a Gyro Ball abuser, or as a Trick Room sweeper. Fire-type physical attackers are gonna do nothing against Bezong, while it hits them with Earthquake or Rock Slide. Role identification: The tank is here! 113/100/100 bulk is great, but it gets even better when you factor in Hazmat Fur. Notable moves: Gyro Ball, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Explosion, Dragon Claw, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Light Screen, Reflect, Rock Slide, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance, Return, Thunder Punch, Pain Split, Stealth Rock, Trick Room, Iron Head, New ability and desc: Fluffy + Heatproof = Hazmat Fur (Halves damage from both contact moves and Fire-type moves. Also I won't be partaking in the "No DNA Fusions" challenge, if that's okay. It's about dang time I made something crazy.

pokemon extreme randomizer peeko

Think about that the next time you're in his swamp. There's a ton of moves for Shrek to abuse the effects of. Ancient Power's chances haven't improved too much compared to a Togekiss's, but an increase is an increase. Plus, Tri Attack has a 50% chance of inflicting a status condition on your opponent, and Sludge Bomb has a 75% chance to poison now. But it does have a nice ability that gives Air Slash a 75% chance to flinch if it gets poisoned.

pokemon extreme randomizer peeko

Role identification: In case it wasn't obvious, the only reason that this thing exists is for the name. Notable moves: Air Slash, Ancient Power, Aura Sphere, Baton Pass, Extreme Speed, Fire Blast, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Extrasensory, Dazzling Gleam, Hyper Voice, Nasty Plot, Psychic, Soft-Boiled, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Stored Power, Tri Attack, Water Pulse, Sludge Bomb. New ability and desc: Poison Heal + Serene Grace = Fatal Grace (If those with this ability are poisoned, they recover HP every turn and have secondary effect chances multiplied by 2.5) Offspring name: Shrek ( Shroomish + Tog ekiss) I don't care what AquaticPanic says this will always be the real Shrek.

Pokemon extreme randomizer peeko